2016-11-01 by:CAE仿真在线 来源:互联网
摘要:提出一种金属橡胶减振器随机振动有限元仿真方法,采用正交各向异性阻尼材料模拟金属橡胶材料。相关仿真参数由金属橡胶减振器正弦扫频试验确定。对金属橡胶减振器进行正弦扫频试验和随机振动试验,利用有限元仿真软件ANSYS Workbench对金属橡胶减振器随机振动进行有限元仿真模拟,并将仿真结果与试验结果进行对比分析。研究结果表明,所提出的有限元仿真方法能够很好地对金属橡胶减振器随机振动进行仿真,且计算结果具有较高精度。
关键词: 金属橡胶减振器, 随机振动, 有限元仿真, 正交各向异性阻尼材料
Finite Element Simulation of Metal Rubber Damper Random Vibration
Zou Guangping;Liu Ze;Liu Song;Cheng Hezhang
Harbin Engineering University,Harbin,150001
Abstract:A finite element simulation method of random vibration for metal rubber damper was put forward. The orthotropic anisotropy damping material was used to simulate metal rubber, and the related simulation parameters were determined through the sine sweep experiments of the metal rubber damper. The finite element simulation of metal rubber damper random vibration was done via ANSYS Workbench. Simulation results was compared with the experimental ones. Results show that the proposed finite element simulation method can well simulate metal rubber damper random vibration and the calculation results with high accuracy.
Key words: metal rubber damper;random vibration;finite element simulation; orthotropic anisotropy damping material
相关标签搜索:金属橡胶减振器随机振动有限元仿真 Ansys有限元培训 Ansys workbench培训 ansys视频教程 ansys workbench教程 ansys APDL经典教程 ansys资料下载 ansys技术咨询 ansys基础知识 ansys代做 Fluent、CFX流体分析 HFSS电磁分析 Abaqus培训