Modes in Animations

2013-06-21  by:广州有限元分析、培训中心-1CAE.COM  来源:仿真在线

Changing the Interpolation Modes in Animations

You can use interpolation modes in an animation to control the acceleration or deceleration of changes between key points. For example, if a component changes from the 00:00:02 key point to the 00:00:06 key point, you can use interpolation modes to accelerate or decelerate the change in the key frame.

To change the interpolation mode between a key point at position A and another key point at position B:

  1. Create an animation that includes component movement or a change to visual properties.

  2. On the timeline, right-click the position B key point.

  3. Click Interpolation mode and select one of the following:

    • Linear . This default setting moves the component at a uniform velocity from position A to position B.

    • Snap . The component remains at position A until the time reaches position B, and it snaps to position B.

    • Ease in . The component starts moving slowly from position A, and accelerates toward position B.

    • Ease out . The component starts moving quickly from position A, and decelerates toward position B.

    • Ease in/Ease out . The component accelerates to the time located halfway between position A and position B, and then decelerates as it approaches position B.

  1. Click Calculate  to recalculate the animation.


Interpolation mode:  Ease in

Selections for this animation include:

  • The key point at position B (the end of the sequence)

  • Ease in interpolation

The result is acceleration as the component approaches position B.


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